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Empow(H)er Coaching

Build the woman, build the success

Sabrina Militello

Meet Sabrina Militello!

Hi! I am the founder of Empow(H)er Coaching! As a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach, I provide a professional service for women who want to unlock their full potential and take their lives and their careers to the next level. My mission is to help you grow as a woman in order to grow your success, giving you the tools and guidance that you need along the way.

Every woman has the power to achieve her goals and I am committed to helping you tap into that power, reach your full potential and take your life to new heights.


Let's get to work!


What does success mean to you?

When I decided to become a Coach, the only thing that mattered to me was developing the skills to better do what I loved - help women truly step into their greatness. That quickly hit the skids as I struggled to make the impact that I so badly wanted to. My business floundered and I was at a loss. I felt frustrated and defeated and like maybe success was only for 'those' people.


What kept me going? 

I redefined what success looked like to me. Healing MY traumas. Confronting and unpacking MY foundational stories of 'not enough-ness'. Leaning into the uncomfortable things because that was where my growth was hiding.


I am now on a mission to help you identify YOUR pathway to the impact and success that YOU envision! You deserve to have whatever future you dream of, and you deserve to create it free from the pain of your past and the limiting beliefs of your present that have kept you stuck up until now.


Whether you are just starting in your career, have been at it for a while and just feel stuck, or are growing but want to take it to the next stratosphere, I'm ready to help you create your version of success.

Start Your Journey

I have been in the Coaching space for over a decade, starting my career as a personal trainer and fitness studio owner. Working with so many women in that arena, I discovered how women often hold themselves back from pursuing opportunities in their lives because of fear rooted in their self-worth - a fear of failure, of judgement, of a fundamental lack of belief in themselves.


As a Life and Performance Coach, my mission is to provide 1:1 Empowerment Coaching for women  who are seeking to create extraordinary growth and impact in their lives and their careers working together to build a level of belief in themselves and the fulfillment of their dreams that is unshakeable!

Sabrina Militello health

As a woman who has walked through the fire of a 100+lbs weight loss journey, my life purpose is to use my experience and expertise to be a powerful catalyst for change in the lives of others. As such, my unique, dynamic and systematic approach (rooted in mindfulness sciences, positive psychology & PUSH Coaching) will help my clients uncover the things that are keeping them stuck, revealing blindspots to their growth. So much of who we currently are is based on the pain and limiting beliefs we've held onto from our past in ways that are diminishing our future. With me, you will be armed with the power to break through the glass ceilings of your potential in this world!

-How it works-

The Empow(H)er signature method is rooted in the insights of Awareness, Ownership & Integration:


  • Awareness - stripping away the emotion that tends to cloud our reality and so be with a clear and objective view of what is actually happening in your business right now.

  • Ownership - taking ownership over creating change in the areas that will have the greatest impact overall; new mindset, new goals, new habits.

  • Integration - nothing changes if nothing changes and so this Coaching relationship is very much forward-focused in manifesting the changes you seek, both in-session and beyond.


You can expect to be engaged in a systematic program for your growth, with YOUR personal growth as the foundation, enabling you to create results in your life and career that you have never seen until now. You will be able to do more, in less time, and without developing the burnout/tension/resentment in your daily actions that you may have previously experienced.



NEW - 1:1 and Small Group Coaching programs now available!

What people are saying...

"Sabrina never tried to tell me what to do... she guided me to my own answers, something I did not realise I was doing and I enjoyed that a lot." - Janei G.

"Working with Sabrina was incredible! She has a way of really getting you to dig deep inside yourself and she asks the right questions... to get you to think of all the possible solutions. If you have the opportunity to work with Sabrina Militello, DO IT!" - Caroline W.

"What I most got out of this was a great appreciation for self-realisation. Sabrina asks questions in such a specific way that she guides you toward a solution of your OWN creation. This is incredibly empowering... her approach is very no-nonsense with a balance of compassion and that helps you know that you are not going to play games with yourself" - Stacy R.

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Empow(H)er testimonial

“Sabrina helped me understand why I was frustrated with some personal relationships and worked on steps to move forward and heal. She is caring and kind, a great listener and she asks the right questions to help me turn inward and look for the next right answer.”

Bethany G.

Empow(H)er testimonial

“From someone who has been hesitant to open up... I say that working with Sabrina is a humbling and necessary experience. I was somehow able to share things with her that I hadn't ever really said out loud before. Sabrina has given me some tools to utilize in my day to day routine that make me feel more grounded and less 'survival mode' all the time. I highly recommend incorporating this incredible human into your wellness routine... Yes, she is good for your wellness!”


Sheba C.

Empow(H)er testimonial

“Sometimes the thing you need to move forward is a change. You won't regret it. If you like consistent motivation that really focuses on your mindset and real life, Sabrina is the Coach for you. I joined her and an accountability partner of mine joined within 2 weeks, and we both have finally been able to be on the path we want to be... seeing results!!”


Wendy C.

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